Monday, March 24, 2025

Bucket List & FYCC

 Toby got to check off a bucket list item! His friend and executive secretary in the bishopric asked them all last minute to go to the Jazz game. He did not tell them they were going be courtside seats! Toby was freaking out when he walked out on the floor. He was giggling like a little school boy and couldn't stop talking about it for days after.
Max got sworn in for another year on Farmington Youth City Council. It's been a really great thing for him to be involved with.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Mary Poppins

Max was in our community play Mary Poppins. He was the banker. He did a fantastic job. He's really got a talent for acting and singing. I think that perfect pitch really helps him out!
Singing his solo

The cast also performed at the City Council Meeting


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sam is 14!!

We didn't do a very good job of taking pictures on Sam's birthday but he turned 14! And now he can start thinking about what he wants for when he turns 15. His birthday was pretty low key because all his presents were known before the big day, which is kind of boring but oh well. He was very happy to go shopping for new lacrosse gloves and is excited for his new golf club. He wins for the yummiest birthday dinner: meatball subs and cinnamon roll cake! Then he had all his homies over the next night for pizza and basketball. We love Sam and all the energy he brings with him!
The boys always love seeing what Megan posts about them for their birthday

Sam's not a surprise birthday gifts

He got a really cool moon on his birthday morning
I realized Sam and I have the same color of eyes so I wanted to document. What I didn't realize was that while they're the same color, they do not look the same! And not much else looks similar. I am old, and he is a lot Johnson!


Monday, March 10, 2025

Solo/Ensemble & Choir

Max competing at Region solo/ensemble and is now going to State!
March always keeps us busy with music things. There's concerts, recitals, competitions, and usually a play. Both boys accompanied their choirs for their concert. Sam had piano federation and Max competed in a piano solo for solo/ensemble as well as accompanying a lot of other people. Max has also been practicing every Sunday with his General Conference Choir (more on that later). March has been busy but full of good things!
Max's choir

Sam's choir

Max's general conference choir rehearsal. He's over on the 2nd row

Simon, Sam, Jack

Sam sang with his friends for solo/ensemble

And of course Max accompanied them

Max's choir on their way to solo ensemble - don't underestimate this group. They can sing an acapella 4 part mens harmony like nobody's business.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

February This & That


Megan got accepted to BYU! Go Cougars!
                            Feb. & March have kept us busy! Here's some things we've been up to:

Sam had is first lacrosse tournament of the season. He did well playing in a field meant for horses!

The skiing's been great.

Toby traveled to Atlanta

We may have found a new tradition doing baptisms, then dinner on Valentine's Day

Sam ended his Jr. Jazz season. They were hilarious to watch

And most important - we started a 100 Day of Miracles countdown until Megan comes home! She's doing the same thing while on the mission and it's been really great.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Winter Camp

The boys went on their annual YM winter camp up to the Squire's cabin. They had a blast. They got a ton on fresh snow while they were there and sledding with snowmobiles is always a good time. And I enjoyed my empty, quiet house while they were gone.
John Toronto is the man. The boys love him
These 2 leaders went down the hill together on one sled. There was a lot of gravity weight!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Box Lacrosse

Sam did Box Lacrosse for the first time and it was crazy and a lot of fun! It's basically lacrosse with no rules. There was even a fight at one of his games! Definitely a learning curve but Sam did a great job and it was a lot of fun to watch.