Tuesday, April 29, 2008

4th Street Clinic Triathalon

Toby did his first triathalon on Saturday! He did a great job (finished in under an hour!) and would have placed in the top 5, but due to a sad long story, he was disqualified! Boo! But, because it wasn't his fault they're going to let him run it for free next year. He's not sure how he feels about that because all the money goes to charity and he feels like he's stealing from the poor, but then I reminded him that we were poor and then he was okay with that! Now his goal is to come back and beat the jerk that disqualified him!
I could have put some really embarrassing pictures of Toby in this post but I decided not to. Not because he would have been embarrassed, but because I would have been!
Thanks to Alicia that came to entertain Megan!

1 comment:

  1. Nice speedo, Toby! Oh how I miss the days of speedos (well, not really, but they sure are comfortable to swim in). We all know that you are the grand triathalon champion. All that really matters, what we, your Japanese relatives, think.
