Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The High Dive

Toby and Megan had a Daddy Daughter Date last night and went to the pirate pool. I think they had way to much fun. Megan wanted to jump off the high dive but Toby said probably not. But then, of course, he gave in and Megan climbed up to the high dive and jumped right off! After she jumped everyone in line clapped for her and gave her high fives. She then went about 5 more times and even inspired an 8 year old that was too scared to jump! Obviously Megan gets all her water skills from Toby because I can barely swim to save my life. Maybe she can give me some pointers.


  1. I remember Toby doing that at the Bountiful pool. I never saw it, but I heard plenty about it from Grandma and Grandpa Arrington! And he was very, very young - maybe as young as Megan! High-fives from us too, Megan! Love, MKG

  2. You have to post a video of that. Did she have water wings on? I'm scared just thinking about it.

  3. I can't believe Megan was brave enough to do that! My kids are so reserved (obviously they got that from James and not me). My kids will be the eight year old only doing it because a three year old showed them up! Way to go Megan!

  4. Love it! Liv still talks about the great time she had with megan.
    Lame that you guys didn't come visit!!!!
    p.s. I love your quote wall, keep 'em coming
