Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's a Boy!

We went to the Dr. today and found out we are having a boy! We are very excited! Although to be honest, I'm a little nervous because boys are sicko! :) Megan was a little bummed because just today she had decided it was a girl and she couldn't believe that she was wrong. Everything looks great and the baby is nice and big, so big that they almost moved up my due date! Time to shop for something blue!


  1. Oh April congratulations! You will love having a boy. They are sick because they touch gross stuff and are full of energy, but they are also mellow and so sweet. Jack is the one to always give me hugs and kisses and tell me how loved I am!

  2. Yippee! It's ok Megan, now you can play "kings and queens" all the time!

  3. How wonderful! Boys are great, as you'll find out. We are so happy for all of you!!! Love, MKG and family

  4. April! I didn't know you were pregnant! YEAH!!! What exciting news. You will love having a little boy! They are cuter than you think :) Wow! Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations! My mom just told me tonight that you were pregnant! Let me know how it is to have a boy, I hear that you love your little boy so much! One friend actually said "His like my little boyfriend". You'll have to tell me if that's true! Congratulations!

  6. Yay!!!!
    Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys! You will have lots of fun adventures with him....boys are so sweet!

  7. Gavin is definitely my "little boyfriend" he gives me big juicy kisses all the time and I love them!
