Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Caught in a Rain Storm!

Megan and I got stuck in a bad rain storm on our bikes when we were coming home from story time a the library (about 1 mile away). I told Megan we could get a ride with one of our neighbors, but she wanted to go home in the rain! I had no problem with that because I've always loved the rain. We got totally soaked, but then we got to come home and change into warm clothes and have some hot chocolate! Yum!


  1. So cute! She is adorable....and you are too, where is your stomach girl! You are so tiny!

  2. You guys are so cute. I love that you take her places and just play with her. We need to get together

  3. You soooo don't even look prego. Me however....that's another story.
