Sunday, October 19, 2008

Witchy-Poo Party

My parents do a "Witchy-Poo Party" every Halloween for the grandkids. (Don't ask me where the name came from, my dad came up with it and if you know my dad then it makes more sense.) They have the kids dress up in their costumes and then they fill them full of sugar and they make the "witchy-poo brew" with dry ice. The kids love it. They all get their own spoon to stir the brew with and then they drink all the rootbeer they want because grandpa said so. This year we even got to go get pumpkins! I think Megan likes this even more than trick-or-treating! Thanks grandma and grandpa! Oh-if your confused as to why there's a computer in the pictures its because my sister lives in Japan so she and her kids participate via web cam.

Grandma and Gramps and grandkids (Marcus & Ethan on computer)
Stirring the brew
Kate (I love her facial expressions)
Megan & the real tarantula we found in the yard
Megan, Zack & Kate


  1. Sounds like the kids all had a great time. Megan looked so cute. I can't wait to see her person next week!

  2. What a cute idea! Looks like a lot of fun.
