Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hoorah for Israel!

Saturday was a nice sunny day. I was just about to go for a nice jog when I got a phone call from my parents house telling me to come quick because dad has fallen out of a tree. Most people would probably freak out with a phone call like this, but Toby and I have gotten many of these phone calls about my father so we weren't shocked.
I got up there and everyone thinks dad has broken his arm, so we hop in the car and race to the hospital. We get him admitted quickly and I help do the x-rays and soon find out that he has a severely dislocated shoulder! Ouch.
The Dr.'s let me stay in the room while they put it back in place because I think things like that are pretty cool. They put him under with some pretty wicked drugs and he started saying funny stuff. So they snap his shoulder back in place (which was cool) and they start talking to him and sitting him up so that he'll wake up from the drugs and he keeps mumbling something that we can't understand. We keep asking what? and he finally yells, "Hoorah for Israel!" It was so embarrassing. The Dr.'s didn't know if they could laugh or not but of course I was trying not to pee my pants because I was laughing so hard. My dad does not remember any of this and thinks I may be making it up, but I so wish I had a video camera.
Oh yeah - his shoulder's in a sling and we find out if he needs surgery next week! Bring it On!


  1. bless you...bless you all!
    I always knew your dad was hilarious even when not conscious!

  2. That is one for the books for sure! Don't they have security feed to those rooms that you could gain access to?

  3. Haha! We are dying here reading this post! I hope his shoulder is better soon! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard!
