Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Samuel the Lamanite

I was in charge of FHE last night so I decided to do the story of Samuel the Lamanite. So I had Toby dress up like him and stand on the "wall" (the wii board) and then I told the story while Megan and I used our nerf guns to try to shoot him. Toby's job was to avoid getting hit at all costs so he could say it was the power of God. Megan thought this was really cool so she wanted a turn being Samuel the Lamanite, so she ran to her playroom and put on a cape and other things and Toby and I tried to shoot her while she told us to repent. I'm sure we could be turned in to child services for using our daughter as target practice but it was all for FHE, I'm sure they would understand.
(Toby thought this picture of him was really cool because it makes him look really tall. Whatever.)


  1. What a fun time. The picture is so cute!

  2. I am sure that Megan will always remember the story of Samuel the Lamanite, or at least the being shot at part. Great idea though. We will have to try it!
