Monday, April 27, 2009


I was hoping I could find the clip of Mel Gibson saying Freedom! from Braveheart, but I couldn't so picture that in your mind as you read Freedom!
This week marks our entry into the real world again! That's right, the all powerful Dr. has given us the okay to come out from hiding. We are pretty excited to go to church for the first time as a "real family" as Megan likes to say. We're interested to see how Max does with this because so far he gets kind of freaked out around other people because he's never seen "other" people.
Although, I am starting to wonder about the wisdom in this decision to join the real world after I watched the news last night and saw the swine flu that is causing mass chaos. We shall see.


  1. Congratulations!! We are so happy for you to be a "real family" outside of your home! Maybe we can hang now.

  2. It's about time! Love that picture of Max.

  3. He is so cute! I just wanna reach in the screen and give him a big hug! I remember those can't believe you are actually in public after so long at home! :) Enjoy!

  4. He looks so happy, what a cutie. Jack lived in that jumper when he was little they are a life saver
