Monday, April 13, 2009

Too Many Egg Hunts

Megan went on 3 egg hunts. She has more candy then she did at Halloween! But she did have a lot of fun! We started out the day with the city's egg hunt that is a mad dash that is over in 60 seconds. Then it was on to Toby's parents where there was tons of candy to be had by all and then to my parents where the hunt was inside because of the rain and Megan got a tattoo so she was happy. It was a crazy day but a lot of fun.
Ultimately we are grateful for Easter and for what it means because as Megan put it, "We get to see Lindsey again!"

Max being embarrassed for his father by what he's wearing.

Here's the real reason our family celebrates easter:

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we were in Utah doing all those things together last year. Le weep!
