Monday, May 11, 2009

Celebrating Life

We wanted to do something special this weekend to remember Linz. So we decided to head over to the cemetery and clean the stones there that hadn't been cleaned for a long time. Linz used to work there so I'm sure she thought that was cool. Then we went on a hike with some of Lindsey's friends up Adam Canyon. Megan did awesome, she walked most of the way. Max did great too, he smiled at all the hikers we passed and then fell asleep. Then we all went to my parents house and had hot dogs and rootbeer floats and laughed about the good times we've had with Linz. It was a great day and I'm sure she would have approved.
Greg & Grandma
Megan thought it was pretty cool she could help out.

Hooray for Linz!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wow!! I did not even realize what had happened. I am so sorry for your loss. What a neat way to celebrate her life.

    She is beautiful!
