Monday, May 18, 2009


Toby ran his 3rd Marathon on Sat.!
Yes, he is crazy. But he did a great job. He finished in 3hrs. 5min. which put him 3rd in his age division! But after he crossed the finish line he almost collapsed but luckily two nice men caught him and carried him to the medical tent where I found him a few minutes later. He was totally out of it. He wasn't making any sense, it was pretty funny. He then proceeded to barf all over. It was really memorable. He ran the race for Linz (he wrote 'Llama Linz' on his legs) so it must be her fault because when she ran this marathon 2 years ago she did the same thing when she finished. He's still not sure why he did that because he was feeling great and trained a lot for this. Oh, well. I did make him promise when he was loopy that this was his last one and I have it on camera so there's proof!

Megan running across the finish line with Toby
In the medic tent right before he barfed.
(I figured you might not want to see those pictures.)
His fam that ran the marathon as well.
Monte, Kurt, Tina


  1. holy crap! no wonder he barfed that is an AMAZING time! way to go Toby!

  2. Way to go! That's awesome! You're my hero. By the way, it's not a good race unless you puke at the end:)

  3. you are my hero. i want to see pics of you puking.
