Thursday, June 4, 2009

6 Months!

Max is 6 months! This is more of a milestone for me than him. I'm not a huge fan of the baby stage. My ideal baby would be this: Have 1 week of the newborn when all they do is sleep, then jump forward to 6-9 months when they can sit up by themselves and play with toys. Call me a horrible mother but if any of you moms have had babes with reflux, I think most of you would agree!


  1. Apes you look super hot in that family picture! Nice work!

  2. I'm excited for your milestone! Your family picture is beautiful! You looks so good!

  3. He is so dang cute!!! (Do you guys have an advantage in Brent's will for including the bear in the pics? Ü)

  4. oh my word, never did I think I would see someone else's fat feet that would rival Gavin's fat feet! well done max, well done.
    I can't wait to kiss those chubby piggies on the coast!
