Monday, June 22, 2009


That's right. We know it's summer in our house with the running of the Wasatch Back Relay! This was Toby's 3rd year doing it and this time he did it with his family. They were the "Johnson Jollies" hence the smiley faces. There were good times to be had by all: Jill barfing, Bish yelling that he lost his shuffle, Toby scarring people's eyeballs by running with no shirt, Bish needing duct tape for reasons you don't want to know, and so much more. But these are just some of the many great things that come from this race! They did 188 miles in 29 hrs. 30 min. Good job to all the runners and I think you're all crazy! (Warning: some of these pictures may scar your eyeballs.)
The members of Toby's van!
The awesome Mullet Team!

Just so you know, I did not help in any way to make him
look like that.
The finish line!


  1. I sooooooo want to do this race! Toby and I will have to chat about it at the coast which I cannot wait for! Liv has a countdown chain in her room.

  2. Hey, Mullet Man is my cousin!
