Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

(WARNING: Lots of pics)
We had a great 4th like always. Megan and Toby ran their races super early in the morning, then we did the parade and of course the slip n slide and then the kids got to ride horses, then a little break before we gorged ourselves on ribs at uncle Jon's house. We had a great time!
Megan eating ribs
Drinking some strong root beer
Max is 7 months

Megan was hungry so she ate grapes, donuts and oreos.
Very healthy.
Max drooling on Grandma Leila
Megan and Owen getting ready to start the race!
This is Megan, I would like to say that I don't know the man behind
her, unfortunately, I am married to him and yes, I did try to cut up
that shirt and no, I do not help in anyway to get him to look like that.
In fact, I refuse to be seen with him when he does look like that,
and I ask him to please not tell anyone that I am married to him.

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