Monday, July 13, 2009

One Crazy Weekend

This weekend was pretty crazy. We had our 10 year high school reunion and it was festival days, so we were all pretty tired when it was done.
Friday was the bike parade that Megan went to while we went to dinner for our reunion which was a lot of fun. I can't believe how old we're getting.
Saturday Toby woke up early to run the 1/2 marathon and placed 2nd in his age division, (he did it in 1 hr. 29 min.) we saw him at the finish and then ate breakfast. Then it was on to the best parade ever. We got tons of candy, dvds, and stuffed animals. The kids were in heaven. Then it was up to my parents for brunch and then on to the family picnic at the WB to end the reunion. Later that night we watched a movie in my parents backyard. It was awesome.
Sunday we went to Lindsey's mission President's homecoming. It was really good to meet them since I wasn't able to meet them in England. They did a great job on their talks and Pres. Moffat talked about his experience with Lindsey. (Elder Ballard was even there.) I know now why Lindsey had such love and respect for them and I know she was there as well.
Sunday night we all went to bed early, we had tired eyeballs! (as Megan would say)

Megan and the blow-up toy at the picnic.
We think this "prince" looks like Michael Jackson.

Luckily, Max was still happy at the end
of a crazy weekend.


  1. I wish we could have been there. Our weekend was LAME.

  2. so I am showing Liv pictures of Megan and I say look, there's megans little baby brother Max, isn't he cute? and she says "he's chubby" :) see you guys next week!
