Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oregon Coast Finale (Finally)

Other than Max and Megan taking turns barfing in the car, and me having to make 2 trips to the laundromat, the trip was pretty great! We were sad to leave but we will definitely be back, Megan made us promise. The first night we were there Megan said that she wished we could stay at the Oregon Coast forever and go camping forever.
Grandma Great took everyone on a whale watching tour!
It was super cool. I enjoyed watching everyone else get sick,
oh, and the whales.
Pirate Megan
Caged Max
Do Not Feed The Animals
Toby & I ran to Cape Lookout Point one morning. It was about
5.5 miles and it was beautiful and muddy.

Max enjoying Munson Falls
Livi and Megan enjoying Tilamook icecream.
We went there almost everyday to get their divine icecream.
The beach we took over.
This is the boys hanging up a sheet so we could watch Goonies on the beach!
I know, you're all jealous. It was awesome until the generator stopped working.
But at least we got to see the truffle shuffle.
Goodbye Oregon Coast! We will miss you!

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