Monday, August 3, 2009

Oregon Coast Part 1

We spent 10 glorious days camping in the Oregon Coast! It was fabulous, and because it was so fabulous it will take me a couple posts to get everything in.
The kids were great. They did just fine in the car. If Max ever started acting up, we gave him a piece of beef jerky to naw on.
We stopped at Melanoma Falls (I don't remember the real name,
all I remember was that it sounded like melanoma)
It was pretty cool until Megan turfed it on the way down.
We also stopped at the fish hatchery which was super cool.
The big fish were super gross.
Max was finally happy to be at camp or he's just
happy because he's eating.
At the beach the night we got there. It was pretty foggy,
but that would never deter the Spjutes.
Moms and Pops happy to be out of the car, not so
happy that they invited their screaming grandchildren
to come along. :)
Almost all of the extended Spjute family were there. The total was around 60 people all together. We pretty much took over the campground. It was awesome. It was fun to see all the cuzins that I don't get to see much and of course the campfires were the greatest. When you have 60 people that all have good voices - singing around the campfire is a whole new experience.


  1. Glad you had fun time in Oregon,it is beautiful there are times I really miss living there. Glad the kids did well. I can't believe how big Max is getting.

  2. April, I absolutely love that picture of Megan holding Max! What a great big sister. (:
    Glad you guys had so much fun. It was a well deserved break I'm sure!

  3. Love it already. Can't wait to see the rest. Your kids are adorable!

  4. Look like such a fun trip! Im sorry, but that picture of Max eating beef jerky is priceless....cutest thing ever. I died.
