Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ax Murderer?

But on this night Toby was trying to get the wasp nest that is under our porch deterring any visitors (Megan's friends) from knocking on the door.
Word spread through the neighborhood that Toby was about to get stung a lot and everyone came to enjoy cheap entertainment.
But alas, he only got stung once.
Oh, and the hive is still there.
Anyone know how to get rid of bees or wasps or whatever they are?


  1. Haha! We had this same prob in Utah! Lathe bought this bee/wasp spray at Home Depot and you spray it on the nest and kills them all....then when they are all dead you knock it down. It actually worked!

  2. Nice tob. Looks like you guys are doing great. I've got to admit, your blog brings a smile and a laugh to my face everytime I see it. Thanks. Hope you guys are doing ok. Sorry we are not more supportive of all you are going through. No matter what, we still love you.
