Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weekend Getaway

My parent's friend was super nice and offered our family the use of his cabin for the weekend. It was so much fun to have everyone together at such a beautiful place. The kids loved getting dirty and not getting in trouble for it and playing so hard that they fell asleep as soon as they hit their pillows.
The kids loved having a campfire every night.
They also loved the 4-wheelers and rhino!
We got out the slip n slide everyday! It was awesome!
Grandpa being used as a sled.
Everyone enjoying the beautiful view on the deck.
The pirates struck once again.
Megan shooting the gun!
Drinking from the spring
Max loved riding on the rhino!
We had way too much fun. It was sad to have to come back to real life. We decided that everyone should have a cabin they can go to, then maybe people wouldn't be so up tight. It was very relaxing! Thanks to the cabin owners (you know who you are).

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I'm so glad you got to have a break. Nonthing beats that.(:
