Monday, October 5, 2009


When you read '7 Days' please say it the way they do in the movie The Ring so that you can have the proper amount of fear before continuing on in this post.

For 7 Days now Max has been waking up at 11 at night and screaming for about 30 min., then he wakes up at 1:30 am and screams for 2 HOURS!

Now, I know you're thinking: why are you letting that cute little boy scream for that long? Well, because something happens to him in the middle of the night and he morphs into what we call "The Beast".

We have tried everything - he was sleeping through the night; no, he is not sick; and no, he's not teething at the moment; yes, he takes his naps just fine; and sweet little Megan prays for him every night not to be crazy.

Last night this is how a conversation went with my husband:
Me: This has got to stop.
Toby: Grunt. (he's a man of many words)
Me: There must be a solution, I refuse to give into The Beast
Toby: Grunt
Me: I've got it! Ear Plugs!!!!

So whoever invented ear plugs, we thank you from the bottom of our sleepless eyeballs.


  1. I was dying of laughter at your choice of music!!!! Love it! Earplugs are great and yes we need to get together very soon. Maybe this weekend?

  2. I am so sorry April, Jack used to dot he same thing, and I remember telling him at 10 months old,"if you dont knock it off you wont have any other syblings." like he could understand. Anyway I feel your pain, and Im seriously sorry and hope it doesnt last too much longer.
