Monday, March 15, 2010

Not Your Average Gymnastics Meet

Over the weekend we went to the U of U gymnastics meet. Now, we've been to quite a few of these, but this one was like it was on steroids (some of the gymnasts looked like they were on it too).

There were 4 schools there instead of 2, there were a lot more people there, and the people that were there were die hard fans that you would normally see at a football game. And to make things even more interesting, my sister forgot her tickets, so she had to use mine and Megan and I had to walk in the door that was for 5'2 and under people because it was "short people appreciation night" (and why shouldn't we be appreciated?). I will admit that I am 5'3 but the guy at the door didn't even flinch when I walked through. How depressing.
The best part of the night was when Toby turned to me and asked me if I wanted him to win $100? Of course I said, "sure". What I didn't know was that it was a dancing contest and pretty soon I saw me, Max and Toby on the jumob tron as Toby was dancing his heart out. Now, if any of you know Toby, you would understand that this isn't normal dancing, it's Toby dancing. I would have been embarrassed except that he ended up winning and who couldn't use $100? So then I was just happy. I told him he needs to go to these events every weekend because he could win them all - he does really well at making a fool of himself. The best part of it all was that my dad was there and couldn't figure out who the nerd on the jumbo tron was until my sister told him it was his son-in-law - then he was real proud!


  1. I can just picture Toby dancing on a jumbo tron!! Hey, anything for an extra $100 is awesome! Hope you guys treat yourself to a nice date!

  2. That is fantastic. Perhaps next he could get on the show "So You Think You Can Dance?" I bet he could go pretty far.

  3. Haha! I am dying! Thanks for making my night! I love you are hilarious!
