Tuesday, May 18, 2010

He Finished Upright This Year

Toby's done with his marathon! You have no idea how happy I am. I'm definitely more happy about it than he is. He did another great job. He finished in 3 hours 6 minutes! If you can't do the math that's a 7 minute mile folks! He got 5th in his age group and he didn't pass out this time!

Toby & Megan heading to the finish line.
There was a group of people that were running the race for Linz.
It was very depressing writing on his legs the names of 2 people from my family
who have died. No one else can die because we're out of legs.
It was a family effort.
Enjoying the mist.
Max enjoying his first creamie.


  1. How the heck does he run that fast for that long?! That is insane!! Way to go Toby!

  2. Toby's the man. I can't even fathom running a marathon that fast. Good work! And it is a family effort, so good work putting up with all of his training.

  3. "HOLY SMOKES" says wayne, we are all very impressed that he can run so fast. That is ridiculous! GOOD JOB TOBY!!!!
    on another note, did I tell you I signed Wayne up to run a 5k with me? we did it last week and he always made fun of people for paying to run in races...well, he caught the running bug and has started running and said he wants to do a half next year! I told him this would happen:)

  4. Toby, you are my here. And you've got great legs.
