Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day

We had a great fun-filled Memorial Day and I think we packed in enough stuff that we were busy every second.

We started out the day with a hike to the Pirate Cave. There were good times to be had by all - even for the adults carrying all the kids.

We also cleaned the headstones at the cemetery as is tradition.
Then we went to my aunt's pool for some swimming before the bbq.
Then we feasted on some dogs, hot dogs that is.
And in the middle of all that we were able to see some of the Boise Spjutes, feed everyone lunch, and paint the deck - which I tried so hard to get out of. I think I've helped paint that deck almost everytime it's been painted. I'm not going to name any names (Mel, Laura) but they have yet to paint the deck. There is something wrong with this. I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. It's Randy's fault. If he'd been here I could've helped instead of taking care of my kids. Maybe next year...
