Friday, July 23, 2010

No Sympathy

Toby was at scout camp for most of last week and came home with an injured shoulder. Now, if any of you know me well at all, you know that I have a stone cold heart with very little room in it for sympathy for anyone. I started to feel a little bit bad for him until he told me what he was doing when it was injured. He was having a tubing tournament and had made it to the finals. Now, if you're like me you're thinking, "Wow, a tubing tournament is just screaming for an injury." But since this was a men's camp and there were no women there to talk sense into them, they went ahead and did it. And here's the proof that men are dumber than women: (Toby's on the left)


  1. I'm trying to watch this video but it is saying its private? The anticipation is killing me!

  2. OUCH.
    Oh the outrageous Toby. I remember going to a rope swing with you guys way back when (possibly pre-mish?) and he had on these black and white trunks and we thought they were see-though at first. Yikes.

  3. Mel and I agree that Toby won. The other guy wasn't even bouncing at all. Good work, Tobes.
