Thursday, August 26, 2010


Yes, it's true, I'm pregnant. No, it definitely wasn't planned. Yes, like you, I thought we could only get pregnant with the help of Dr.'s. Yes, I cried when I found out - then I went running and cried some more - then I made Toby take me out to dinner so I could tell the unborn child that we actually did celebrate when we found out.
I am due March 12 and I'm 12 weeks along, I'm trying to enjoy this part of the pregnancy before they tell me something's wrong because, let's face it, I don't have the best track record when it comes to normal pregnancies. I didn't believe it was really real until I saw the ultrasound and there was this thing waving at me. So I guess it's real.
I'm getting excited, I promise.
This is how we told Megan - on her birthday. She is VERY excited.


  1. YYYEEEAAAAHHHH!!! I am SO excited for you. Who needs doctors?! We'll prAY for a uneventful pregnancy.

  2. April, that is SOOO exciting!!! Congratulations!!

  3. That's fantastic, you guys! We'll just be 2 months ahead of you.

  4. Wow Congrats, I hope everything with this pregnancy goes well, despite the complications in the past.

  5. Yeah!!! I'm so excited!! What a miracle! Congrats!! We love you!

  6. Wonderful news!!! I love the "very excited" look on Megan's face! LOLOL This is the THIRD time I've heard of this happening! Ann's sister went through in vitro twice before she got her twin boys - then a couple of years later - surprise! A baby girl! I hope and pray for the best for you April!!!!! Hooray for your family!

  7. You stinker you didnt tell me at spud nut night. Congrats I am super excited for you. Miracle!!!

  8. Congrats! Good luck with the pregnancy hopefully it will be uneventful this time around.

  9. Congratulations!!!I cant wait to see the new little one!!
