Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rocks & Dirt

Has anyone else felt like this summer has been crazy busy? Well, we definitely have and realized that we hadn't gone camping once! So we loaded up the car and headed up the canyon and had a great time (until I had to ask the drunks across the road to turn down their music at 1 a.m.).
Max sat here forever eating crackers or whatever Megan brought him.
Megan ate 4 smores and Max choked on 4 marshmallows.
Have I told you Max is obsessed with rocks? Well he is. So when
we went camping he was in heaven. There were rocks everywhere.
His favorite ones were these big ones that he threw over this ledge.
He also loved roaming free with dirt all over his face.
Oh, and this music was Toby's contribution to this post. Any complaints need to be directed towards him. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. You should have called us. We would have coming camping with you too! That would have been fun. Lance is dying to pack us up and go sleep ANYWHERE in the mountains. :)
