Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We headed to the aquarium this past weekend thanks to my sister Linz. I had to clean out my dad's house for his new wife & Linz had couple of jars full of change, so we took them to the coin machine and got $30 out of it! We knew we had to do something fun with the money that Linz would approve of and we'd never been to the aquarium, so that's where we went!
We had a really good time, especially Max. He's obsessed with fish.
The glowing jellyfish.
We stayed at the sting ray pool for an hour because Megan wanted to touch them so bad but she would always chicken out. So I told her she had one more chance and then we'd have to leave. When the sting ray came by she started to reach her hand out but then she chickened out, so I grabbed her hand and shoved it against the poor sting ray. She started screaming and I smiled because we could finally leave!
They had coral caves for the kids to crawl through that Max loved.

The penguins were by far our favorite. They were very hyper!

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