Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's Megan been doing?

I realized with all that was going on, Megan has been a little forgotten - but don't worry, she's been having more fun than anyone.
Her grandparents took her on another "California Kids" trip, but this time just girls (oh, and grandpa). They all had a great time and I can't believe she has such great grandparents that take her on trips like that. I think I need to sign up to be their grandkid because I could sure use a break right about now!
Megan, Lucy & Camryn before they saw Beauty & the Beast
This picture is a perfect picture of Megan.
Eating a giant hot dog while in her Belle dress.
She can do the girlie thing but has no problem getting dirty!
Falling asleep on the way home from Disneyland.
Megan & Camry at the American Girl store.
Playing at the beach!

1 comment:

  1. Can I sign up to be their grandkid too? That looks like so much fun!
