Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas Activity

I was put in charge of figuring out what to do for our mutual's Christmas Activity. Thank goodness for pinterest! I am really good at copying people. We started out at the church and had Samuel the Lamanite visit us and tell us about the coming of Christ. Then everyone jumped in their cars and headed to our house where a leader read a section of the How the Grinch Stole Christmas and talked about the importance of remembering the true meaning of Christmas. Then, it was the icing on the cake! We brought everyone up to our neighbors barn and reenacted the Nativity. It was awesome. My neighbor already had all the costumes, so that was easy. And my friend, Lisa, had just had a baby and lived next door to the barn, so we had her come over. (Although we couldn't stop laughing that this baby is a girl - finally! - after 3 boys, but she had to play the part of baby Jesus!) We sang Christmas carols after that and had hot chocolate and donuts! It really wasn't too hard to put together and I hope it will be memorable for the kids!
The Narrator and Samuel the Lamanite

 Listening to the story - I found a fireplace screensaver online to have playing on the TV!
 Showing up at the barn
 Thank goodness for Megan's karoke machine!
These 2 step brothers have the lowest voices, it was perfect!          And these are the cutest shepherds!

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