Saturday, June 22, 2024

Maui Wrap Up

Anytime we weren't off doing something we were hanging out at the pool - I'm not sure why I even packed any clothes, we lived in our swimsuits. The Johnsons of course always came up with some weird games in the pool They can't just sit but that's ok because then I get to laugh pretty hard.

Leftover tatoos from the Luau

Monte made us go on a hike on our last day there that was listed as a must see and very hard. I guess the reviewers hadn't been on any hikes in Utah because it wasn't that hard and you see these views pretty much everywhere you go in Hawaii! But it was fun and beautiful so I wasn't complaining.


At the top
Meanwhile back at home, the boys were all alone and living the best life. I'm proud of them for figuring everything out. There were some not fun moments but they did great and I'm grateful for friends and family that helped out to make the boys feel less abandoned
Sam forgave us for leaving him when we brought these slides home for him


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