Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sky Diving & Road to Hana

This was our favorite place. There's 2 waterfalls there. And if you look close me and Toby are standing on top of the big one. We went swimming in the waterfall behind it.
 Look at this place! It was dripping green! The road to Hana almost made me barf but made me so happy at the same time. It was beautiful! And we had a lot of fun jumping out of the car and running to all the waterfalls. It started pouring just as we were getting going which was a weird feeling because it wasn't cold but it did clear out all the tourists! So we had the place to ourselves.

This is one of my favorite pics. We were jumping for joy running to each amazing waterfall
We got some good cliff jumping in before the rain came

Of course there was a frisbee involved at some point

Skydiving was one of the high points for everyone. They all said it was an amazing experience, so amazing that it's hard to describe. Everyone declared it was well worth it! They went up in pairs in this tiny plane with no seats except for the pilot

Picnic after to discuss all the awesomeness


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