Thursday, May 29, 2008

St. George

The fam was able to get away for the holiday weekend and go to St. George. It was nice to get away from all the people looking at us with sad eyes and to go have some fun in place that was one of Lindsey's favorites. It was actually the first time my parents had every been there. Linz would be so proud! We had lots of fun, ate tons of food, went swimming and mostly just relaxed and enjoyed being a family. Thanks to Alicia and her friends that helped set up the whole thing!


  1. I'm glad you guys were able to get away. HOw is it that your parents had never been to St. George?

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! I think we've been swimming at that same swimming pool before, how random is that. Hope you can make a tradition of enjoying places that Lindsey did as a family. Again I am totally sorry for stalking you, it's just kind of fun to keep tabs on people I grew up with. It's also so great to see Utah, oh how I miss it. You may not live in a foreign country but you live somewhere that is absolutely awesome!
