Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wasatch Back Relay 2008

Toby did the Wasatch Back Relay again this year with a team of all guys from our ward. (Last year we did with both of our families, including Linz). If you don't know about the race, it's 180 mile relay that starts in Logan and ends in Park City. The team consists of 12 with 6 guys in each van. Each person runs 3 different legs with some more difficult than others. You basically get no sleep, but it's a lot of fun! Toby had one of the hardest legs, it has a name, "the Ragnar". It's 4 miles up a steep dirt road in the canyon and it's the last run he does, so you're already really tired. But of course Toby was an animal and did it in 40 min.! (but he did barf along the way) He was crazy on all the other runs averaging a 6 1/2 min. mile on all of is other runs. It was kind of hard to do the race again knowing we had just done it last year with Linz, so Toby wrote "For Linz" on his legs and wore a pink bandana on his arm. (last year our team was the "Pink Pant-ers") Toby had a lot of fun and it was fun to watch them cross the finish line! Way to go Toby!


  1. Good job Toby!! I just started running again (okay for the first time in my life) and I tried to run when we visited Utah last, I thought I was going to die! The altitude almost killed me, I can only run at sea level I guess. Maybe you should think about trying the Boston Marathon. You guys would totally have a place to stay.

  2. You barfed....that is so cool! You are hard core.

  3. That is awesome! Did you run also? What a great accomplishment, I'm sure Linz was smiling the whole way!
