Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary?

Over the weekend we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary! And what do you normally do on your anniversary? Of course - you go out to dinner with all your extended family! :)

(sorry, this is a picture of a picture)
This weekend we went to Boise to visit my grandma and all the rest of the family that lives up there. We had a great time. We went swimming 4 times on Sat.! We woke up, went swimming, floated down the Boise river, went swimming at grandma's again and then went to a pool with a wicked awesome water slide! After the day was through Auntie Karen even made us yummy scones and her famous nachos. My dad even made his famous "sipping punch" that is not for the weak hearted. Toby was in heaven. We consumed massive quantities of food and watched the olympics!

In between all the swimming we managed to eat at the Cheescake Factory! Of course it was delicious and we had lots of fun! Megan loved playing with my cousin's little girl, Livy. They had a great time.

So Happy Anniversary Toby! Maybe next year we can hang out with your family! (To Toby's family: This is of course a joke! :) )


  1. LOL!!! April, I LOVE reading your blog. I finally feel like I'm getting to know you. I would love for you to send me the recipe for your dad's "sipping punch." I'll put it in The Ice Cream Scoop! Love, MKG

  2. Liv has so much fun playing with Megan. I didn't even realize it was your anniversary, I'm lame
