Sunday, October 12, 2008

The First Snow Fall

I just got all my Halloween decorations up and now they are all frozen with snow! Yep, we woke up to snow! Megan was so excited! She put on all her snow gear and played outside with Toby for a while and had a blast. They even made a pretty good snowman. Megan was also excited because she associates snow with Christmas, so she started shouting, "Christmas is almost here!" Mm - not quite!


  1. The pink hat continues to live on. So good to see it again! I love the snowman..... grandma

  2.'s 85 degrees here! lucky! I am so sick of the hot.

  3. You got more snow than us! My girl's would have died to make a snowman. Hey I invited you to my blog. I sent the invite to your hotmail account. I don't know if you use that anymore,so if not email me back and I'll resend it to the right address.

  4. So much fun. My kids are anxiously waiting for the first snowfall down here. We didn't see to get the rain/snow that you got. Mefan just gets cuter and cuter.
