Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stuck in a tree

Megan got stuck in our neighbors tree yesterday. It was pretty funny but I didn't have time to get the camera. But this is what she could have looked like since she had her jump rope with her. She was playing "word girl" and was all dressed up and had her jump rope to tie up all the bad guys. Well, she followed a bad guy up the tree and then tied him up, but what she really did was tie herself to the tree! She was screaming forever for me. I heard her but just thought she had an "owie" and that she would come inside so I could kiss it better. But then 5 minutes passed and she was still screaming for me - so I looked out the window and there she was stuck in the tree. I'm such a nice mom for going out when she first started screaming! :)


  1. What a funny story. It is too bad yo didn't have your camera with you. She is such a fun girl. I wished we lived closer to let the girls play more often.

  2. That is funny April! I am glad I am not the only bad mom out there. When Jack broke his leg I pretty much told him he was being a baby and walked away. It wasn't until he said "nobody cares about me" that I felt guilty and walked back and realized that he wasn't faking it.

  3. April, I'm glad you found my link off of Miriam's. That's where I found yours. I hope you're feeling good. Let's get together soon. That would be fun.
