Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend Getaway!

We had a great weekend! We took a little trip to Midway and Park City and had a blast! The leaves were really pretty and the hotel was awesome! We had so much fun that we hope this is something we can do every year! Some of my favorite things from the trip:
1-A jetted tub. Oh yeah.
2-Megan running into the hotel and being surprised there was toilet paper.
3-Toby thinking the ski jump area would be a good place to have a DTR (determine the relationship) if you were dating.
4-A jetted tub.
5-Megan, thinking she was "skiing" on the water "just like Jesus!" in the pool.
6-Eating muddy buddies.
7-Watching Megan go down the Alpine slide.
8-And of course, sleeping on a King Size Bed with a million pillows.


  1. Sounds like lots of fun! Next time you come do it maybe we can play with you!

  2. Randy took the boys to an Alpine slide place here in Oki that same weekend. How funny. It's only a dollar so after a few runs Marcus raced down by himself. Come visit and megan can race with him.

  3. Looks like you guys had fun. How are you feeling. We need to get together call me

  4. Hey, wasn't your favorite roommate from Midway??? ;-)

    Megan is so cute!
