Sunday, September 21, 2008

Top of Utah Marathon

Toby did the Logan marathon on Sat. This is the 2nd one he's done and he did it in 3 hrs. 29 min.! He was hoping for a little faster, but we all know that's amazing. I would just be glad to be alive if I ever did one. Megan got to run with him into the finish line and she thought that was pretty neat. Now she thinks the medal is hers. It rained off and on during the race, so all the racers were soggy, nasty things. Toby feels great today and is even walking normal! Toby's such a great guy - he even came home and mowed the lawn in a tornado after the marathon! What a man. Way to go Toby! And since he's been doing so much running, he's lost a ton of weight and weighs almost what he did in high school! This is depressing because while he's getting skinnier, I'm getting fatter. There should be a rule that while your wife is pregnant, the husband also has to gain weight so the wife doesn't feel so fat! :) (Oh yeah - the picture at the end is of my living room. I finally got around to painting it and I think it looks fabulous! So way to go me!)



    Hey lady- How are you?? First of all... yay for Mr. Toby- that is so impressive. I can't even run down to the end of my street. How sweet that Megan ran with him at the end.

    John found your blog through your sisters through Monica's. I emailed all of the Ricks girls last year (old addresses) but never got through to you. I am so happy to see your face!! Your daughter is darling! She really is so stinking cute- LOVE the photo shoot.

    Congrats on the pregnancy. When are you due? That is so fun! We just had baby number three, but we are having a wee problem with her heart. Well wee is putting it lightly.

    I am so happy to have found you! Yay for blogging!!! Now we can keep in touch. Let's convince Autumn, Mim, and Deb to blog too!

  2. Congrats Toby! Who would have ever though we would turn into runners. Love the new living room! Want to help me to mine?

  3. happy birthday to the running man!
    I'm very impressed with people who run marathons, especially more than on. I struggle just to run my 3 miles every day!
