Monday, December 1, 2008


I have had many people contact me and ask me for an update, and that they've been waiting for one on my blog. I didn't know so many people actually look at this thing, I mostly do it to have a family journal. :) But before I do the update, thank you to everyone for the emails, cards, phone calls, etc. It is nice to feel loved and we appreciate it.
My mom is doing pretty good. She is in the middle of her 1st round of chemo with another to follow in a couple weeks. We have been blessed that she hasn't had too many side effects from the chemo. That doesn't mean she hasn't had any, but I know it could be a lot worse, and in that we are grateful.
My mom is a classy lady and will never let on that she isn't feeling up to par. She's still been being mom by helping all of us with all these quilts that need finishing. We tried to put up all the Christmas decorations without her help but she just got frustrated that it wasn't going well and did it herself. I'm afraid we might be more bothersome than helpful!:)
So overall we are doing okay. We have had many prayers, blessings, fasting in our behalf and we are grateful. Thank you so much to all those people around the world that joined with us in fasting on Sunday. It was touching and it has strengthened us all. God bless.


  1. You are all amazing to be dealing with all that you are. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are constantly with you and your terrific family!

  2. I have been thinking about you so much! Please know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You are amazing.
    Love you!
