Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pirates Forever

Their favorite thing to do - dance!

Using each other as a pillow after skiing
Today is Marcus and Megan's last day to play together before Marcus leaves the country and goes to the other side of the world. Megan is so sad about it you'd think there was a funeral going on. These guys are best friends. They love to play together and never get sick of each other. They could play for hours and days. They are always pirates and are always playing something fun and at some point Beaner usually gets involved and then someone gets hurt. :) They both love to do the same thing. If they find out one learned how to do something, the other has to go try it to. This goes for swimming, scooters, bikes, piano, singing, dancing, skiing, you name it, they try it. They are both really coordinated so they have a lot of fun. We will miss the Marcusites when they leave but we hope that someday they will live really close (like next door). Right Randy? :) Here are some pics of the fun these 2 have had.


  1. Le Weep! We'll have to teach them how to say "Cuzin!" just the right way. :)

  2. So sad to see your sister and her family leave. I am sure Megan will really miss having them hear.
