Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I got the best Valentine's present this morning! (Yes, I know it's not until tomorrow, but work with me here.) Max slept through the night! If you could hear me right now I am singing the Hallelujah chorus! He's such a great baby, sometimes I think I don't deserve this, but then I remember how horrible Megan was as a baby and I remember that I deserve every minute of it. Speaking of Megan, she did something awesome too! When I finally woke up after a blissful 8 hours of sleep, I walked into her room and she had already made her bed and cleaned her room without me asking! I must still be dreaming...


  1. It shows that sometimes dreams do come true!

  2. Are you kidding me? My son is still stuck to the boob twice a and him are gonna have a talk! Haha!

  3. Eight hours of sleep,that is beautiful!!! You do deserve that. Hopefully it starts to happen more often. (:
