Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Megan and Toby have an exclusive club called the Muddy Buddies. I have never belonged to this club and Megan constantly reminds me of that, but as soon as Max was born he was sworn in. They have a secret handshake and always call each other Muddy Buddy. Last night Toby got home from work and was wearing this on his head and had one for Megan. Megan instantly yelled, "Muddy Buddy!" and she put one on and they began to head-butt each other because, "it doesn't hurt mom!". These are the kind of things they do in their club - I think I'm okay not being a part of it.


  1. Max has a lot to look forward to.

  2. Ah, FINALLY a post about being "Muddy-Buddies". Megan told us ALL about it when she rode in our van to Bish and Leila's. She was so excited that Max would be joining! Too cute.
