Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saints on the Seas

For our stake enrichment yesterday, we got to watch The Saints on the Seas performed and it was amazing. It's a production that was written in 2001 about all the saints that crossed the seas and this production went all over Europe performing it. It was amazing for lots of reasons: 1-It was just amazing and the music was great; 2-I felt really close to Lindsey. Lindsey loved this type of music and the woman that wrote it (Cori Connors). I know the rest of my family felt her there as well because they all commented after that when they were trying not to break down and sob they thought of Lindsey saying, "Don't be a blubber-bum." I think she was saying that because she just wanted us to enjoy the music like she was! Thanks Cori for writing that awesome music!

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