Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Megan is 5!

Megan is finally 5! She's been waiting for this day her entire life! She had a fun bday because she spent the whole day with grandma Leila! (thanks grandma) They did lots of shopping and had fun playing, then it was back to the house for cake and icecream.
When Megan was 1 day old and weighing in at 4 lbs 11 oz.
Her ferris wheel cake (I know you're impressed)
Playing with her better batter (it is totally awesome)
A soccer goal from grandma and grandpa so she doesn't have to
play with the garbage can anymore.
Her own camera!
(which we promptly took back because it was lame)
And Max found his new calling in life as Megan's GOALIE!!!


  1. I'm very impressed by the cake and I want to eat it. Max is too cute and I want to eat him too.

  2. Happy Birthday Megan! You are a beautiful 5 year old! :)
