Monday, August 17, 2009

A Loving God

When some people have heard what is going on with my mom and knowing how we lost Linz, they ask how could this happen to you? Well, we don't know the answer, but we do know that God is a loving God that is too wise to err and to good to be unkind. We know that our mom will probably go before we want her to, but we do know that the Lord has blessed us and is guiding us through these trials that just happen by being mortal.
My mom went in this morning to start her secondary chemo. The Dr. was expecting that she wouldn't feel up to doing it. He was surprised to learn that my mom feels fine and even went to the Oregon Coast! So here we go again. We do know that she has been blessed by so many people's prayers on her behalf. Please keep them up! We hope that she won't feel the effects of this chemo as well so that she can enjoy the time that she has. Thank you and Thank God.


  1. Hello, my name is Sarah and I am one of Lindsey's friends and I just wanted to say that I look up to your family as hero's. I hope all goes well with your sweet Mom and I will for sure keep her and you family in my prayers!

  2. It is inspirational to read of the strength and faith that you and your family possess. Thank you for sharing those thoughts and feelings. I hope all goes well for your mom!

  3. I have been thinking about your family so much and hoping that her treatments are going well. You will all be in my prayers.
