Sunday, August 16, 2009

NICU Reunion

We went to Max's NICU reunion the other night and it was a lot of fun! We had no idea they would have so much stuff for the kids to play with. They had fire engines and ambulances that the kids got to play in and they even flew in the life flight helicopter and let the kids play in that! There were ponies to ride on, games to play, crafts to make, yummy food, and even a movie. It was fun to see all the familiar faces that we got so used to seeing for a month. It was so much fun that on the way home I told Megan to tell Max thank you for being in the NICU!
Max's home for 28 days.
Megan never got to come here, so it was fun to finally show her
where her brother was for a month.
The doors to the NICU.
It was a strange feeling to walk down the hallway to these doors.
So many times I walked down it trying not to cry, but this time
I was carrying Max and there was no reason to cry.
(other than the fact that my arm hurt from carrying him)

Thanks to all the NICU staff for putting that together! We had a great time! (especially Megan)

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