Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Cougar Fan Post by Toby!

I have some contacts at BYU so I took the young men from the ward there for a tour of the awesome athletic center and football practice facility.
We were able to get pics and autographs from players after practice.

Jackson with Max Hall
Harvey Unga
McKay Jacobson
JJ Di Luigi
Coach Bronco Mendenhall
Dennis Pitta
Jan Jorgensen
All of us on the practice field
If you haven't seen the BYU athletic building, you should. Very impressive. Now would a guy who is not a Cougar fan take a group to do this? I don't think so. So yes, I am a Cougar fan (and a Ute fan). Confused? Ask April, she'll explain everything. Go Cougars!!!


  1. Now that is something to be jealous of!!!!

  2. That is pure aweseomeness! Your Young Men should be kissing the ground you walk on.
