Monday, March 29, 2010

Anorexic Garden

When we moved into this house there were some garden boxes that were set on top of cement, it looked like this:
So we figured this would be where we would plant our garden. We did and it didn't go so well. The garden would start out great but then everything would come in really skinny and small. Hence the "Anorexic Garden". We figured that the garden couldn't grow because of the cement, so the cement had to come out.

We thought we would rent a jack hammer or something like that and work like dogs for a weekend and plead for help from our family. But luckily, we have some really awesome home teachers that heard about our problem and came over with their heavy equipment and had it all out in about an hour! It was awesome!
Max was obsessed with the tractor, he wouldn't leave
the backyard while it was there.
Here they are at work:
Here's the finished product, freshly tilled.
My mouth has already started watering just thinking about all the
yummy, fresh food we will eat!

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I would let you know that I blog stalk you. Your kids are adorable!
