Friday, March 26, 2010

One of those Days

Yesterday was one of those days. I know you've all had them.

It started very early, about 1 a.m. to be exact, with Max waking up because he has another cold, and then waking up every hour until 6 and waking Megan up early in the process. No problem I thought, Max will just take an extra long nap. Wrong!

By 10 a.m. I was already looking at the clock counting down the hours until Toby got home. Things were bad. Max wouldn't go to sleep no matter what I did. I finally just let him cry in his crib because every time I went to check on him he was crying with his eyes closed. So I was pretending that he would get some rest because his eyes were closed? Meanwhile, Megan was having melt down after melt down because if she doesn't get enough sleep she turns into Drama Queen. Luckily, school finally started and I took Max to my parents house to play with different toys where he was slightly happier.

Then, just to get my hopes up Toby came home early! Yeah! Then he quickly walked back out the door to go on a long run to train for his blasted marathon (have I told you how bad I hate it when he's training for a marathon?)

But I was saved at the last minute. Toby got some tickets from his work to see Legally Blonde at Capitol Theater. So we were able to enjoy a nice evening without our screaming children! The play was really funny. Remember the UPS guy from the movie? Yeah, he's hilarious in the play. So now I have a fresh start today to deal with the snot that continues to pour from my son's nose!


  1. Sad story, Apes. That show would be so much fun. You can bring Max to our house to play, anytime. Marathon! Yikes. Good luck with that one.

  2. Ive had one of those days believe me. At least it ended good
